Written content of this site is edited by Armadeus Systems.
Juridic form : SARL
Capital : 153.400 €
SIRET : 500 243 142 00030
NAF code : 7112B
TVA number : FR 49 500 243 142
Design and code of this site were realised by Air Design Studio + Armadeus Systems.
Air Design Studio
SIRET : 752 252 700 00022
All the elements of this website (in particular the registered trademarks, domain names, texts, graphics, logos, photos, animations, etc.) are the property of SARL Armadeus systems. Consequently, the protection of the www.opossom.com site is subject to national and international legislation relating to intellectual property rights.
Therefore, any reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution, in whole or in part, on any electronic medium or not, present or future, is prohibited without express and prior authorization. Any extraction or attempted extraction, whether total or partial, is likely to engage the civil and criminal liability of any offender.
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Armadeus systems se réserve le droit de mettre à jour la présente notice légale à tout moment, en fonction de l'évolution du contenu du site et des contraintes supplémentaires de protection nécessaires.
Armadeus systems invite donc tout utilisateur à visiter cette page lors de chaque consultation du site afin d'en prendre connaissance.
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